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About MoredGenis

MoredGenis (MoredGenis Corp.) is a company focused on developing the best software (and games) for all sorts of devices. MoredGenis Games is a child company of MoredGenis.

MoredGenis Games is a game development and publishing studio that is focused on making high-quality games for good prices, instead of a company that charges 60 dollars for a Pong clone. Some of our games are out now for free, but our journey has just begun. 

We still have no profit, no legal registration, no paid games, no professional domain, no steam games. and more necessary things. The MoredGenis Company idea was started in August 2017 by a game developer and 2D artist named William who is also known as Devil Minty online. He is the one writing this right now.


We have spent our time on this feature-full website with game pages, forums, account login, and the NEW Direct Messaging system!


We are starting development on 3D Unity games that will be available in 2019.
We have some cool games planned, so stay tuned!


We are known for the kind of wonky but somehow popular Fuseborne Battle Royale, Supernation Racers, Finalists War, and more.

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